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PUBLISHED ON August 1, 2022
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And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:5 NKJV

Welcome to the month of August 2022, it is my prayer that this month will bless you immensely that you’d become a blessing to others. The level of blessing that one enjoys from God is measured up by the amount of light God reveals to you and God will not reveal any light to you until He sees passion, doggedness and genuine intention to walk in the fullness of His leading for your life. Light is the only spiritual force that the devil doesn’t contend with, it produces instant results once applied, once you have the revelation, contention in that area dies off immediately, it doesn’t matter how dark a room is, once light is turned on it disappears without argument. Apostle Paul said in Galatians 2:2, “that he went up by revelation.” Revelation connotes light, the moment revelation appears, you leave the former experience and start experiencing the new. No power of hell can contend with the man who is lighted, because lighted people overshadow evil and wickedness and command divine presence around them. Light and the presence of God are inseparable, in all your getting this month pursue the light of God.

Today’s thought: “Lighted people are lifted people.”

Keynote: Light is superior to reasoning and human analysis.

Counsel: You become lighted by studying your Bible. Whenever you open the Bible be intentional of what you want and be desirous of light and you’ll become knowledgeable indeed.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the gift of a new month to You alone be all the praise. Help me Lord not to walk outside of Your light for my life and for this season in Jesus’ name, amen. I decree and declare upon your life that this month is opened up for you in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, amen.