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Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that fears Him and works righteousness, is accepted with Him. Acts 10: 34-35 KJV

How long you’ve known God is not what qualifies you, what makes a man to be qualified for acceptance before God is his/her righteous work. There are people who have been following God for donkey years but lack the character that justifies their conviction, probably because they’ve become too familiar with God and failed to realize that they no longer value His laws and have derailed from the real path. God doesn’t respect anybody, which is why He will work more with anyone that is sold out to Him. His manifestations are not based on how rich a person is, or how Christian the family background you came from is. He searches the heart, it’s a personal work, and you cannot be righteous for another person. You work out your salvation with fear and trembling. It doesn’t mean you should be scared, it means you should be careful not to miss a step. Handling your life like an egg is what the Bible is saying, any little crack can spoil the content, and any sinful act has the capacity to keep one unaccepted. Give attention to the way you live your life.

Should you get intimidated and angered by another person’s result and wonder why you are yet to see such grace work for you? Endeavor to ask yourself these two questions, am I doing the right thing that God wants me to? And secondly, if I am doing the right thing, then I’ll wait for the appointed time of the Lord that makes everything beautiful in His time. The error of the past doesn’t count with God if you decide to abandon them and release yourself to Him for guidance. The Bible verse above further confirms to us that once we fear the Lord and keep His law no devil will deny us what is ours. Righteousness is designed to favor and guarantee the wellbeing of believers. If living right is a challenge, then your possibilities with and in God is under attack. You must guide your life at all times and ensure to be on the good side with God for maximum possibilities.

Today’s thought: “Age and knowledge doesn’t give acceptability before God; righteous work does.”

Keynote: God is no respecter of person. Your work is what increases your value before God.

Counsel Righteousness is the means for exchange with God. If you want the best life here on the earth and in heaven, you’ll prioritize righteousness as a way of life.

Prayer: Lord, I ask for the grace to serve you with oneness of heart and purpose. Take me away from whatsoever that doesn’t look like You. Help me to live a righteous life, and bless my service Lord and may my efforts yield great increase in Jesus name I pray, amen.