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PUBLISHED ON September 6, 2022
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Then Joshua issued instructions to the leaders of Israel to tell the people to get ready to cross the Jordan River. “In three days we will go across and conquer and live in the land which God has given us!” he told them. Joshua 1:10-11 TLB

Joshua had just being instructed by God on how to conduct himself and the Israelites after the passing of Moses. Still fresh from God’s command, he didn’t just call-out the people and asked them to march forth to the promise land because God had said it. He took his time to plan strategically instructing the leaders what to do and say to the people. A timeline of three days was in view for the vision to be accomplished.

Maybe God has told you many things that are to happen in your lifetime and you’re yet to see a glimpse or the trace of the manifestation of it. It is possible that you haven’t planned to see what God said to you, because God said it does not mean you shouldn’t plan to get there. You don’t fold your hands and expect things to just happen. You must engage the word of God with real action plan. Every word of God carries a responsibility for man, if you don’t plan on how to service the responsibility you’ll appear to be a mere joke. Anytime God conveys a message, it carries His principle and when the principle of planning is not in place and adhered to, realization most times is difficult. Stop holding God responsible when you haven’t played your responsibilities. Your responsibilities are made easy when you plan.

Today’s Thought: “Planning before execution will keep you protected.”

Keynote: When your life is planned, your life is secured from the uncertainties of life.

Counsel: Anytime you receive instructions endeavor to plan how to carry out the responsibilities dutifully.

Prayer: Today I decide to take my life serious by planning ahead of time before embarking on any project, help me Lord not to become a failure and a disaster because of failing to plan so help me Lord, amen.

The God of heaven will give you a fruitful and productive day. You are blessed in Jesus’ name, amen.