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PUBLISHED ON August 24, 2022
– by Gabriel Agboeze
But the disciples had forgotten to bring any food. They had only one loaf of bread with them in the boat. As they were crossing the lake, Jesus warned them, “Watch out! Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod.” At this they began to argue with each other because they hadn’t brought any bread. Jesus knew what they were saying, so he said, “Why are you arguing about having no bread? Don’t you know or understand even yet? Are your hearts too hard to take it in? ‘You have eyes—can’t you see? You have ears—can’t you hear?’ Don’t you remember anything at all? When I fed the 5,000 with five loaves of bread, how many baskets of leftovers did you pick up afterward?” “Twelve,” they said. “And when I fed the 4,000 with seven loaves, how many large baskets of leftovers did you pick up? “Seven,” they said. “Don’t you understand yet?” he asked them. Mark 8: 14-21 NLT
If what you have cannot get what you want, don’t become discouraged, thank God for the little in your hands because everything that is plenty today started small yesterday. Abundance doesn’t give satisfaction in life; appreciation is what brings satisfaction and abundance. True satisfaction is derived when you see what you have increased. The birth of a child is great but the satisfaction of parents becomes full when the child grows and becomes successful. The key to abundance in life is appreciation and not plenty. This principle is what Jesus was communicating to His disciples, and was concerned for them that they haven’t understood it yet. What was available at their disposal appreciated twice and yielded abundance but they still failed to follow in the light. You can attend an occasion with plenty of food to share but if the servers fail to notice you, you’ll leave the venue unfed. What Jesus was simply communicating to them and to you now is for you to notice the server and make demands. Notice what is readily available and serve it up to God in thanksgiving and He’ll surely multiply it. The disciples didn’t bother to search for what is available, they were arguing for lack of a food warehouse instead of noticing the little and presenting it before God. When men fail to notice the little by their side, they miss out from multiplication, because seed is the mother of a tree. There is abundance when you don’t neglect the increase that little carries. May your understanding be increased in Jesus’ name.
Today’s Thought: “Abundance is found in appreciation.”
Keynote: Focus on appreciation and growth instead of short cuts.
Counsel: Notice areas that require growth in your life and pray to God for an increase. Increase is from the Lord and it comes from something that You have noticed to be existing, true and real.
Prayer: Father, help me not to miss out from the abundance You have for me because of shortsightedness, help me to see abundance right from where I am and may I focus on You and not on quick growth. Cause the works and fruits of my hands to appreciate in Jesus’ name. Amen!