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PUBLISHED ON August 6, 2022
– by Gabriel Agboeze
Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7 KJV
Wisdom is the ability to know from good and bad whilst understanding is knowing how to apply what you know to achieve what you want. Without the ability to differentiate from bad routes and good ones, man will be prone to mistakes. Wisdom therefore is the principal thing, and understanding how to apply what you know is necessary for a result. The creation story was filled with an immense display of wisdom and understanding. God knew what was to come first, He didn’t get at a junction and became confused, it was clear to him what He wanted to create because of the evidence of wisdom and understanding. When you fail to apply or to do what you know you are foolish. Understanding is being able to make use of what you know to your advantage. Understanding is the act of doing, because knowledge without application will keep one on the edge. Don’t rush to plan without knowing what the plan will do to you and what you need to do to arrive at your destination. How can this wisdom be found and be imparted into my life? By studying the words of God, so long as you draw your yardstick and judgment from the Bible you’ll be walking in wisdom and understanding. Decide to study the word of God like never before this season and you’ll be full with wisdom for the days ahead.
Today’s Thought: “The word of God is the container for wisdom and understanding.”
Keynote: Wisdom is profitable to direct and understanding is profitable to flourish.
Counsel: Don’t chase things, chase God along with your plans in view. Acquire the perspective view or stand of the scripture concerning all your plans and intentions.
Prayer: I receive the grace to walk in the wisdom and understanding of God. Help me Lord, to be filled with the understanding that will bring out the best in me. I shall plan wisely and execute my days with understanding in Jesus’ name, amen