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I would seek to God, and to God would I commit my cause: Job 5:8 KJV

What you seek after is what you will find, those who seek for something don’t give up until they find what they’re looking for. The month is young and loaded, you must endeavor to utilize this period well and maximize the opportunities early. Early seekers are early achievers, those who seek God early arrive on time. It doesn’t matter how many knocks you’ve received in the past there is still a chance to knock down what has been knocking you down previously if you align yourself with the plan and purpose of God for your life. Maybe you have complaints of not hearing God, after now your hearing ability will be restored in Jesus name.

Go to God with a passionate heart desiring for an answer as if your life depends on it. The heart must be determined to remain there until the answer comes to go forward. When your heart is absent and not in it, you barely see what you’re looking for. The challenge is when the answer comes, and after experiencing the change we reduce in our quest for chasing God, some even forsake God completely until trouble hits. To be connected with God is to continually seek after Him and commit the different stages into His hand. It is only the one that opened the door that can navigate your movement inside the room. Don’t be too familiar with openings and miss out from seeking God continually and don’t be too frustrated and miss out from your time of release, always seek God and commit your cause to Him daily. Whatsoever that God cannot give you is not good enough for you yet. Don’t force God to accept your plan, accept His plans because He knows your future before you even arrive in it. The best is in God and not in what you can offer yourself.

Today’s thought: “Those who seek will always find.”

Keynote: Commit your plans to God and trust Him to see you through.

Counsel: Don’t think you’ve arrived and stop seeking God and don’t think you’re not getting enough from God. To improve and accelerate your levels intensify your hunger.

Prayer: Father I pray for a fresh baptism of fire to hunger for more of You in Jesus’ name. The grace to be committed to God is released upon You in Jesus name. Henceforth, you’ll search for God and find Him. God bless you today and always.