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Thus says the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glories glory in this that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in this things I delight, says the LORD. Jeremiah 9: 23-24 KJV

To be proud and become full of oneself because of what you are or what you’ve achieved is the reason why so many people never get to climb to the zenith of what the Lord has planned for them, some become extremely disfavored and crash completely. Pride will do more harm to you than diabolic and occult power, reason being that pride is what you do to yourself; self-inflicted curse or harm will hurt more than the one that someone did against another. There’s nothing that we have today that was not given, your knowledge did not make it happen, there are people more knowledgeable than you are that haven’t neared a bit of what you have. To assume that what you have is due to personal effort is a big lie that must be uncovered. To pride ourselves in what we’ve achieved doesn’t delight the giver at all. God the giver frowns at this kind of disregard and total negligence of His role in ensuring that we rise.

God is not against pride, He is against what you pride yourself in, is it in Him or in a mere earthly gain that will vanish and come to nothing. The Lord wants to be on the stage and in the centre of your testimony, because it is only when you glory in God, that others will be dared to trust in the Lord and follow Him. People don’t look up to man, they look up to what the man has, if you make people know that you have God, their attention will be focused on the right source and God will be delighted with you. Every blessing is meant to be traced back to the giver and used to bless and attract others to the Lord who made it happen.

Today’s thought: “You don’t glory in what you have, you glory in the LORD; the one that made you to have it.”

Keynote: Boost about the LORD and not about yourself.

Counsel: Focus on the one who made it happen and not on yourself. The person that gave the increase deserves the praise. Wait for your time and never live a lifestyle that your level hasn’t reached yet.

Prayer: Today I remove and set ablaze every garment of self-glory and pride in the name of Jesus. The grace to glory in the Lord and be grateful is what I ask for to come upon me today in Christ Holy Name. Amen!