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I have loved you, says the LORD. Yet you say, wherein have you loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? Says the LORD: yet I loved Jacob. Malachi 1:2 KJV

Today is all about having the strong will to do well with what has been placed under you. God loved Jacob because of his tenacity and foresight, apart from the truth that God loved Jacob and singled him out; Jacob has his eyes set on greatness and worked his way up, unlike his brother Esau who sold his birthright for food, he had zero value for what God had freely given to him, God made him firstborn and he handled it casually and gave it away so cheaply. Genesis 25: 29-34. Secondly Esau was a hunter that does not have a reserve, which indicates character deficiency in him. Genesis 27:1-5. If he had meat at home it is possible that he would be rightfully blessed but the curse of giving away his birthright to Jacob was already against him as well.

I have seen children born into wealthy homes who end-up as nonentities and nobodies in life, you can still be in an environment of greatness and still miss it, and it won’t be your portion in Jesus’ name. Going up in life is a state of your mind, how you behave, think and carry yourself. You don’t get in life what you want; you get in life what you are. Be determined to make a difference. Value what God has given you and see it increase. You must place importance on the gifting’s of God in your life and trust in Him to manifest.

Today’s thought: “It is in your power to change and to choose how you want to run your life.”

Keynote: Life is a choice, if you choose to be great; God’s ability will see you through it via His mercy and grace. Your choices make you, choose wisely.

Counsel: Place value on yourself; always have a reserve no matter how little. Elisha and the widow’s oil; her reserve was her rescue in time of need. 2 Kings 4:1-7.

Prayer: I decree over your life today, you won’t miss your turn and you season in Jesus mighty name, No one will take what is yours, amen. Father help me to understand Your love for me, make me feel it and guide into all of the possibilities I have in You in Jesus’ name, amen.