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PUBLISHED ON August 18, 2022
– by Gabriel Agboeze
I hearkened and heard, but they spoke not aright: no man repented him of his wickedness, saying, what have I done? every one turned to his course, as horse rushes into the battle. Yea, the stork in the heaven knows her appointed times: and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but My people know not the judgment of the LORD. Jeremiah 8: 6-7 KJV
Disobedience is tied to lack of proper understanding. When people understand the effects of disobedience they’ll most likely adjust their lifestyle. I have read about people who didn’t believe that a particular lifestyle could hurt them, thereby they lived anyhow and carelessly, but once they are diagnosed with a life threatening sickness, a physician normally gives them prescription and tell them what to avoid and stop taking if they want to survive and have a chance of defeating the sickness. At this point most of them oblige to the physician guideline because they want to live, and most importantly their understanding has been brought to light. People disobey more when understanding is not known while others know it but refuse to accept the knowledge because they feel they can maneuver it or that it isn’t applicable to them.
Understanding is the reason why people live the way they do, if you understand better and accept your discoveries, life will be more fulfilling. Everybody knows that we’re in the end times, but not all have understood that there is judgment waiting for us, some know of the judgment but have refused to adjust their lifestyle. If your understanding is intact, you’ll know that this is the time to be fully committed to God and not time to be playing around sin and iniquity. This suggests that we should live right at all times. No one knows the day when the Master will come but we are advised to be always ready because that day can be now. Live right with heaven in view. Heaven is real and hell is real. Sharpen your understanding with the word of the LORD.
Today’s thought: “The truth that you accept is the one that will benefit you.”
Keynote: Now more than ever you need to live right, know what God is saying from His word and be willing to accept it.
Counsel: Anytime you gain an understanding from the word of God, draw out action steps from it and apply it directly into your lifestyle if you want to benefit from it, because it’s only the word of God that you accept and use that will help you.
Prayer: I receive the grace to live in full obedience and understanding of the word of God. I will not perish because of lack of knowledge in Jesus name I pray, amen.