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My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6 KJV

Time and again,  it has been established that it is not what you know that’ll give you success but what you do with what you know.  Not knowing at all is dangerous,  but the application of knowledge brings deliverance and ushers men and women into their God given destiny. Knowledge is powerful and the people that speak into you life significantly influence your knowledge and you can’t afford to be informed wrongly.  Whatever be your life’s pursuit and career come to the hub of knowledge where fresh knowledge and power from the word of God is expressed and taught, which is the Holy Bible. The issues of life are discussed and a path for escape is released. If you have the knowledge,  you have the key.

Today’s thought: “What you know and can apply is what will benefit you greatly.”

Keynote: Get knowledge at all cost.
Counsel: Be teachable and willing to learn.

Prayer: Thank you Lord,  for the privilege of life. I receive the discipline to acquire knowledge and the grace to apply it to my life daily dealings, amen.