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– by Gabriel Agboeze
And Jesus looking upon them says, with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. Mark 10:27 KJV
The world of today is filled with people who carry connections, money, charms, idols, witchcrafts, and dark powers to make the impossible possible. This is the reason for many problems some are facing today, trying to seek help from things and people that need help. The point is if you didn’t create it you cannot correct it. Only God has the power to turn an error to good. Quit chasing shadows and start carrying God along. Drop every and anything that defiles the supremacy of God. Once the authority of God is contested in your heart, the supernatural will be limited.
With men it is impossible, but not with God: common sense should inform you that it is an error to seek help outside of God. If man is the standard and yardstick it will fail. Man is vastly limited; the realm of turning impossible situations to possible is only attainable through God. Only God has the capacity to restore people instantly without a trace. He is the only one that can perform the supernatural. Gum yourself to God and detach from earthly help. Men don’t just help their fellow men, if God hasn’t remembered you the one meant to help you will pass you every day and turn deaf eyes. Resort to God and He’ll make you to be remembered, if God is the centre of your life, every other thing will surround you.
Today’s thought: “Anything that is committed to God has a guaranteed future.”
Keynote: Only God can make the impossible possible. Involve God in everything you do.
Counsel: Let your God, be the true one God, always acknowledge Him and never neglect the place of God.
Prayer: I ask for the strength to always carry You with me O Lord for the day to day running of my life. Help me to be a carrier of your presence. Guide my eyes to look up to you and not to man so help me Lord, amen