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14 But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison. 15 I was forcibly carried off from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done nothing to deserve being put in a dungeon.” 23 The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him. Genesis 40: 14-15; 23 NIV

Joseph had just helped the chief butler and the baker to interpret their dreams while they were all locked up in prison. The butler had a favorable dream and Joseph had charged him to make mention of him to Pharaoh when he was being restored, but the butler completely forgot Joseph after his breakthrough came. Many people are like the butler, we forget and trash those that God used to elevate us. We think because we have arrived they are of no use to us, but God has designed the system in such a way that whenever people fail to recognize and appreciate the help they received they pay the price dearly in the future and why most times it appears as if they are not paying the price is because majority are shy to go back and beg and they suffer in silence. Appreciation is what sustains the breakthrough.

In Genesis chapter 41 verse 9, the chief butler remembered Joseph because an interpreter was needed to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. Most people are like the butler, they’ll remember you exist when they need your help and services, but thank God who doesn’t forget people. God is not a user like most people do. Even when you’ve used your gift to help someone and they failed to recognize, do not worry, at the right time your gift will speak and make room for you. trust in God to use your gift to bless you and stop using people only when you need them. Reach out once in a while and be grateful for the past assistance.

Today’s thought: “Help that is remembered and appreciated is the help that won’t be seized.”

Keynote: Don’t forget people. Remember people that God has placed in line to help you and show sincere gratitude in kind words, recommendations, money and in whatever little way possible.

Counsel: Always remember where you’re coming from and how you got to where you are. A source that is remembered is a supply that won’t run out.

Prayer: Father, thank you for all Your help to me. May I live a life of gratitude to You and to those you’ve positioned to help my life, may I never forget my root and the reason why I am where I am so help me Lord, amen.