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– by Gabriel Agboeze
Saying to Aaron, make us goods to go before us: for as for this Moses, which brought us out of the land of Egypt, we know not what is become of him. Acts 7:40 KJV
Throughout history it has been recorded that those who don’t know and understand history have a very high tendency to repeat the errors of the past. Since knowledge has the capacity to instill moral and erase error, it is equally noteworthy to know that revelatory encounters and deep knowledge of God makes a man to be firmly rooted and remain unshakable in God no matter the direction of the wind. It erases every other option that is outside of God. Whenever you see people having alternatives to God it’s because their depth of revelation is shallow. Knowledge is what makes people walk about with temerity and confidence, but it becomes dangerous when you’re confident about the wrong cause. Belief is what triggers confidence, therefore confidence is founded on the knowledge of God we know per time. To know God is to be passionate about Him, diligently studying to understand His patterns and operations is the key to the revelations that will take you up and ensure you don’t deviate. It is possible to know God, and feel you’ve known Him well and stop knowing Him. The pursuit of God is a daily and a continuous pursuit, there is no finishing.
It was easy for the Israelites to deviate, because it was Moses who knew God for them, despite the powerful demonstrations of God that brought them out of Egypt, they didn’t know God, they only feared God Exodus 14: 31. When you know God you don’t only fear Him, you do His biddings, there are people that fear their parents and still disobey them, but there are those that fear and revere their parents, they don’t joke with their parents. The same fear but different application. It is beyond shallow knowledge, I am talking about deep understandings of the ways of God. That was why a journey of days took the Israelites 40 years to accomplish Exodus 16:35. God only entrusts the promise to those who know Him, no wonder most of the earlier generations of Israelites died in the wilderness. Until you know God personally there are prophecies about your life you’ll never experience or see its reality. And to experience the overall advantage of God is to know Him by yourself.
Today’s thought: “To know God personally and encounter Him, is to be firmly rooted in Him.”
Keynote: Personal revelation of what and who God is, is what establishes your stand with God and secures your destiny.
Counsel: Embark on a personal devotion of the study and knowledge of who God is, do it tirelessly.
Prayer: I receive grace to pursue God and pursue well. Nothing will distract my service to God in Jesus’ name, amen. This week will be filled with testimonies for you. God bless you.